As with any student association, members graduate and go out into the wide world. To strengthen the bond between these former members and the association after their active membership, AEGEE-Groningen has an alumni body. Every former member can become a member, so they still keep a connection with the good old days of AEGEE-Groningen. Becoming an alumnus means access to the alumni activities, including the yearly alumni day with a nice dinner.
What does it mean to be an alumnus?
The most important thing here is of course the good times. Alumni have the perfect excuse to keep in touch with their AEGEE friends and find out what is on their minds these days. Meaning it is also a way of maintaining your network of internationally oriented (young) professionals and students, which always comes in handy! In addition, as an alumnus you can also contribute to the association after graduation. This can be for example with financial support or contacts for conferences and other activities. So, have you graduated? The adventure is far from over!

alumni board
An alumni board is appointed each year to organize activities and oversee the alumni body and their pursuits. This includes the annual alumni day in Groningen, a day entirely devoted to reuniting with both old friends and your old, beloved college town. The annual membership fee is up to you, with a minimum of 30 euros. Well, after three years, because the first years it’s only half! 15 euros of this is used to organize activities for the alumni, the rest goes to a gift from the alumni to the association. The exact spending of this is discussed by the alumni and the board. Thus, the alumni can ensure that their beloved association receives a nice gift.
become an alumnus!
Does this sound good to you and would you like to become an alumnus or even alumni board? You can arrange it by filling in this form and sending it to