European Events
Our European Network is a great and unique addition to the local part of our association! There are lots of events organised by different locals and European bodies throughout the year. Here you can find out more about all these events and what their purpose is. Some of them are more serious and informative events, like Agorae and Network Meetings. Others are very informal, party-like events like Summer Universities and New Year’s Events. But there is one thing all of these events have in common – they all have the famous European Night, where everyone brings food and drinks from their own country. It is the typical (and most fun!) AEGEE night! A full overview of all planned European events can be found on MyAEGEE. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the European Affairs Director!
The Agora
The Agora is AEGEE’s highest decision-making body, where representatives from all AEGEE locals across Europe come together to make important decisions and set the direction of the organisation. There are often 400-500 people altogether! The Agora happens twice a year and includes discussions, workshops and the elections for several positions in the European bodies, including the Comité Directeur (the board of AEGEE-Europe). It is a crucial platform to shape the future of AEGEE and discuss important issues. It is similar to the General Members Assembly of AEGEE-Groningen.
We usually attend the Agora with a group of people from AEGEE-Groningen. Three of them are our delegates – they are elected at our GMA, and have speaking and voting rights at the Agora. The rest are visitors, and join the Agora to discuss votings and elections with the delegates. But of course, they are also there to see their European friends and join the amazing parties! Recent Agorae have taken place in Salerno, Istanbul, Novi Sad and Enschede.

European Planning Meetings
The European Planning Meeting (EPM) is an annual event. Here, AEGEE members from all over Europe come together to plan and discuss the organisation’s strategies, activities and initiatives for the coming year. It serves as a forum for setting priorities, organising thematic conferences and exchanging ideas on how to improve AEGEE’s impact and relevance in the European context. The purpose of this meeting is to write the Action Agenda. In this document, we define together how we will contribute to the goals set in the Strategic Plan in the upcoming year.
Often, members of AEGEE-Groningen attend this event together. In addition to contributing to the goals of our association, we like to to meet old friends, make new friends, and enjoy a fantastic social programme.
Strategic planning Meeting
The SPM – Strategic Planning Meeting – is in a way similar to the EPM. This event takes place every three years and this is where the Strategic Plan of AEGEE-Europe is written. The Strategic Plan contains all of AEGEE-Europe’s plans for the next three years. The action agenda written during the EPM is based on the Strategic Plan.
The Strategic Plan always contains Focus Areas, which are general themes European Bodies and AEGEE locals aim to contribute to in the following three years. The current Strategic Plan contains Bridges of Dialogue, Digital Culture, and Eco-Responsible Society as its Focus Areas. In addition, the Strategic Plan contains Organisational Improvements on which AEGEE will work in the upcoming three years.

Summer Universities
Summers are made for adventure! Summer Universities (SUs) are the events that best describe AEGEE. It is one of AEGEE’s longest-running projects and is definitely something you don’t want to miss out on! A SU is a two-week summer holiday where you meet people from all over Europe. You get to experience your destination from the perspective of a local, enjoy interesting workshops, and make the most amazing new friends!
There are many locals who organise a Summer University, so there is plenty to choose from. There is a lot more to say about SUs, so click below if you want to know more.
Network Meetings
Network Meetings (NWM) are organised by the Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe in cooperation with an AEGEE-Local. A NWM consists of discussions and trainings on different topics related to the work of AEGEE and those relevant to young Europeans. All members of AEGEE can participate in a Network Meeting. It is the place to meet and collaborate with other AEGEEers. In addition, it is also a good time to talk to other locals about struggles your local is facing, but also to grow your own network! During a network meeting, there are many fun workshops on things like project management, public relations and more.

New Year's Events
New Year’s Events (NYEs) are similar to a Summer University, although they are a lot shorter. And of course, they don’t take place during the summer months, but always during New Year’s Eve. Yes, you read that right!
During a NYE, you celebrate the old year and enter the new year the AEGEE way: with a bunch of European friends in a beautiful city. It’s a great experience and the perfect way to celebrate the new year! Last year, we even organised one in Groningen, meaning we had a big New Year’s Eve party with our friends from AEGEE-Groningen, and 25 others from all around Europe.
Other European Events
And then there are the “other” events. Every local likes to organize their own events, but sometimes they do not fit in one of the categories above. And there are plenty of them! You can go to AEGEE-Passau for their yearly boat party, join the Fallas celebrations with AEGEE-Valencia, or visit AEGEE-Berlin for the Berlin pride parade. A lot of locals also invite members from other antennae to join important anniversaries of their local. If you keep an eye on MyAEGEE, you can find some real gems!