Here you can learn everything there is to know about AEGEE-Groningen! Find out who the current board is, which committees you can join, how you can start a society, and what the values and identity of AEGEE-Groningen are!
Here you can learn everything there is to know about AEGEE-Groningen! Find out who the current board is, which committees you can join, how you can start a society, and what the values and identity of AEGEE-Groningen are!
Visit us at our office during office hours, from Monday until Thursday, 13:00 – 17:00. You can also come say hi during our weekly social drink at Café de Brouwerij, every Wednesday from 22:00 onwards.
Oude Kijk in’t Jatstraat 5
9712 EA Groningen
+31 50 3635634