Places to eat after clubbing!

Dear reader,

Are you ready for a journey that will take you to all the best and worst places to grab a bite after (or during) a whole night of partying? Let’s go!

First of all, we’ll start with the one and only Caïro! This is a sacred place for AEGEE-Groningen. Or well, it was a sacred place because Caïro isn’t open anymore 🙁 After the constitutional drink of the new board, the (drunk) president would give a speech standing on the tables in Caïro. It is definitely an experience and this is why Caïro was the one and only place to go for a midnight snack!

This year, the tradition of the speech after the consti took place in Antalya! I didn’t even know this place existed but I guess I have to say, you should now definitely go there since this will be the new Caïro for AEGEE-Groningen. This year Jacob gave a beautiful speech, standing on one of the tables at Antalya. The owner looked a bit confused but he will get used to it, I’m sure. When you go to Antalya, I can recommend the fries. That tasted amazing :))

Next up we have a Greek restaurant, right in the Poelestraat, called Filoxenia. I, Jennifer, only ordered chicken nuggets here, but those tasted amazing so I can highly recommend it. And to be fair, that’s basically my go to order after a night out so I am the person to ask where you can get the best chicken nuggets 😉 And I’ve also heard good stories about the other, more traditional Greek food. This is the go-to place for some of our AEGEE members to get their food after a night out so it must be a good place!

Thirdly, how could we forget about the famous Hasret. Some people love it and some people always get sick after getting food from here. So you should try it and see on which team you belong.

Then we have a place next to Hasret called Donerix: the place where Joris and Ben once had some food after a constitutional drink (no not our own consti) and they don’t remember that much of it besides it being really oily and rude employees.

Last but definitely not least: Hoek. This one is an old classic. This place, located in the center and beating heart of Groningen, has opening times, which will even shock a red-light district. The famous snack wall will provide you at all times of the day, with a huge variety of not-so-warm, close-to-cold snacks. The prices are a little bit higher, but in return, you will get amazing Eierballen. If you want fresh snacks or fries, you can always go to the counter, where a (sometimes) friendly man will help you. And as a small tip, choose the chicken burger. After a few beers, this will taste like heaven on Earth.

I hope you all enjoyed reading it and see you somewhere in Groningen <3

Lots of love,

Jennifer, with the help of Joris

Dé Europese studentenvereniging

Kom langs in Groningen!

Kom langs op ons kantoor tijdens kantooruren, van maandag tot donderdag, 13:00 - 17:00! Je kan ook hoi komen zeggen tijdens onze wekelijkse borrel in Café de Brouwerij, elke woensdag vanaf 22:00.


Oude Kijk in’t Jatstraat 9
9712 EE Groningen

+31 50 3635634

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