Hitchhiking Adventure Leipzig

Hello hello everyone It’s been a while but that doesns’t make the story less interesting right 😉 On Friday November 15 my hitchhike adventure to Leipzig began! At 6 am, not a minutelater, Antoni and I were ready to catch our first ride at the hitchhike spot near Sontplein. We(read: Antoni) started with chucking a beer (most important things first right) to get somepoints for the minute games. After this it was time to take a selfie in our matching outfits,together with our mascot Eckie. Within 10 minutes we got our first ride from 2 students who were going to Berlin for theweekend. So we were off to a great start! We did a lot of minute games together with themlike doing push ups and karaoke (we sang along with sugardaddy, yes really). They droppedus off at a gas station near Bremen where we got some free coffee from the very generousemployee <3 We then got a ride to hannover, from 3 guys, who were drinking red bull, playing hard styleoh and not to forget: they drove a BMW. I was pretty happy. Or well I couldn’t be happierwith our vibe in the car. The guys were going to EuroTier. You’re probably wondering whatthat is. Well, it is the biggest farming fair in Europe (yes the guys were farmers). What Antoniand I didn’t know tho, is that they were going to drop us off at this fair… Time for asidequest!We walked and walked until we got to the highway where there was a pedestrian bridge(why would you even build that??) which led us to a gas station on the highway. We werekind of stranded there. Nobody wanted to bring us into the direction of Leipzig. So wedecided to do some minute games like the gender blender! Don’t we look hot? After this, we decided to start looking for alternatives, like a flixbus or blablacar. We decidedto get a blablacar from the city of Hannover if we weren’t able to get a ride before 5. But thensomething happened. We met a really lovely busdriver who wanted to drop us off at anothergas station. The committee wanted to disqualify us because we took a ride from a bus butthe bus wasn’t even in service, nobody else was in there even….  And this guy basicallysaved us! At the next gas station, we were able to get a ride into the city of Hannover from an Egyptianguy where we were dropped of at another gas station. Here our misery came to an endwhen we got our next ride within a few minutes to Magdeburg! We were so happy!!! Until wearrived at the gas station in Magdeburg, where other AEGEEans were waiting as well. Wewere there with 5 couples or something so the game was on! Antoni was smart enough to pair up with another duo who were able to get a ride for the fourof us! Thank you so much Mette! Although the driver was a bit sketchy, was probably highon drugs and had a lot of grocery bags in his car, all filled with alcohol, it was a pretty goodlast ride of the day. He dropped us off in Leipzig where we took a tram to the central stationand finally arrived at the hostel around 7 pm . It was a long day but it was all worth it <3 I hope you enjoyed reading about our hitchhike adventure and see you somewhere inEurope! XOXOJennifer

Berlin Bound! – Hitchhike #2

Hitchhike Berlin

It’s been a while, but our second hitchhike has already been completed to the beautiful city full of history, Berlin. Join us for an exciting recap of the journey! The first day was a long day of hitchhiking to Berlin. Of course, our duos were able to perform beautiful Minute Games again. For those who do not know: Minute Games are some fun games and challenges which hitchhikers can do to earn some minutes from their final hitchhiking time! Our hitchhikers immediately joing in on the games, whether it was a task about a potato, or simply filming the craziest toilet reviews at gas stations (even though there was no toilet paper available sometimes). And of course, some participants made sure Joris received a well-preserved Schültenbrau beer all the way in Berlin. At the end of the long day, after everyone arrived in Berlin, we had a delicious meal together in a super old food market hall and ended it with some snacks and a drink in the hostel. The second day was a day filled with a super fun, but full program. First, we took a look at the terror museum. The museum was so big that, unfortunately, we didn’t even have time to see everything. And of course, after a good lunch, we had a very fun and informative city tour through the city together with AEGEE-Berlin (thank you, Mara and Zsofia!). I think we can conclude that everyone was able to get enough information about this beautiful city full of history. After the city tour, there was some time to relax, and we had a delicious meal at a Vietnamese restaurant near our hostel – from soup to tofu to some delicious noodles. Moreover, it was already time to announce the winner of the second hitchhike competition! And I have to be honest, this time it was very close… The winners are determined by subtracting the points earned in the minutes game from the travel time to Berlin (from the first ride to arrival in Berlin). Arriving first thus does not necessarily make you the winner! The duo of Mariel & Tije and Esther & Huib had only less than half an hour’s time difference. In the end – Mariel and Tije were the winners. Well done for all of you! And to end the evening well, we collaborated with AEGEE-Berlin on a beautiful spätitour through the city. And now I hear you thinking, what on earth is a spätitour? Spät means late, which refers to the shops that are open until late (night shops). Here you can get cheap beer (really, for less than 1 euro sometimes). During the tour we went from store to store and got a new drink at each store. Of course, we made it a bit competitive, so it was a battle with nice challenges between two groups. And believe me, the craziest and nicest photos came out of this! After the spätitour, we all went back home and enjoyed an oh-so-delicious döner on the tram on the way to the hostel – which is always a good vibe after a good long day. All in all, it was a super fun weekend with everyone who was there, with AEGEE-Berlin, friends from our local, and even Elisa, who joined too from AEGEE-Brussel/Bruxelles. As the hitchhike committee, we hope to organize another amazing 2-day hitchhike this year to a beautiful city!