The Board

The board manages the daily affairs of our association. Currently, the XXXVII Board ‘Ceritus’ is in office, which is constituted as follows: Jacob van der Meulen as President, PR- and FR-Responsible, Sylvia Schinkel as Secretary and Local Affairs Director, and Vincent Tebbens as Treasurer and European Affairs Director.

Below, the current board members and their functions are introduced to you. You can also find an overview of all previous boards of AEGEE-Groningen! Are you interested in becoming a board member of AEGEE-Groningen? Approach a board member for more information, or send an email to!

Jacob - Voorzitter XXXVII

President, PR- & FR-Responsible

Jacob van der Meulen (he/him)

The president is the face of the association for other student associations and external parties. It is his job to keep oversight and ensure the board works together smoothly.

This year he is also PR-Responsible. Through an extensive PR-policy, he will ensure that AEGEE-Groningen is attractively visible within and outside Groningen.

In addition, he is also responsible for the association’s fundraising efforts this year. Using a professional approach he will secure essential cooperations to support our association.

Secretary & Local Affairs Director

Sylvia Schinkel (she/her)

The secretary is responsible for the contact between the board and the members of AEGEE-Groningen. She watches over our administration and keeps it up to date. She also ensures our office looks presentable.

As Local Affairs Director she is responsible for all local committees and activities. She supports the committees where necessary, so they can perform their tasks as well as possible. Furthermore, she tries to increase the connectedness between members of the association.

Sylvia - Secretaris XXXVII
Vincent - Penningmeester XXXVII

Treasurer & European Affairs Director

Vincent Tebbens (he/him)

The treasurer is responsible for the association’s financial affairs. He keeps an eye on the budget and ensures all money that comes in is spent in a responsible way.

As the European Affairs director, he is responsible for all Europe-focused committees, as well as the contact with AEGEE-Europe. He also makes our local members enthusiastic about Europe. He is responsible for all European affairs/contacts and trips.

Old Boards

Before this board, a lot of other people contributed to AEGEE-Groningen by fulfilling one or more positions within the board. Below, you can find an overview of all the previous boards and board members of AEGEE-Groningen.